For public services

It offers online digital services, simply and securely with the help of the ROeID mobile application.

Activate the ROeID service

Contact the ROeID team to conclude a collaboration protocol. After signing the protocol, we will carry out a technical analysis of the integration specifications. ROeID team will assist the authority in implementing and testing the solution. Once the integration is completed, the authority's services will be available to citizens through the ROeID application.
Administrative procedure
Technical procedure

All service providers

All Romanian citizens can identify themselves with the ROeID application so that service providers have the guarantee that the one accessing the site is correctly identified

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to implement ROeID in administration?
The implementation process can take between two weeks and one month depending on the chosen technical implementation mechanism. ADR provides a test environment that can be used by the technical team to verify correct operation. After the technical team of the new service provider finishes the work on the test environment, the ADR team issues a connection notice to the production environment and hands over the credentials specific to it.
How to enroll a state agency?
A collaboration protocol is signed with ADR to prepare the details necessary to implement authentication with ROeID system. After the protocol follows the technical part that you find in the enrollment procedure.
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