Technical procedure

Folosirea aplicatiei pe un telefon Android

Dacă dețineți un dispozitiv cu sistem de operare Android, urmați pașii detaliați mai jos pentru a descărca și instala aplicația ROeID pe telefonul dumneavoastră.

Pasul 1: Accesați Google Play Store
Porniți telefonul și accesați aplicația „Play Store”, care este încorporată în majoritatea dispozitivelor Android.
Asigurați-vă că sunteți conectat(ă) la internet, fie printr-o conexiune Wi-Fi, fie prin date mobile.

Pasul 2: Căutarea aplicației
În bara de căutare din partea de sus a ecranului, introduceți "ROeID" și apăsați pe pictograma „lupă” sau „Enter”.
În lista de rezultate, căutați aplicația oficială ROeID. Fiți precaut(ă) și asigurați-vă că selectați aplicația legitimă, verificând numele dezvoltatorului și recenziile aplicației.

Pasul 3: Descărcarea și instalarea
Apăsați pe aplicația ROeID din lista de rezultate.
Apăsați pe butonul „Instalează”. Descărcarea va începe automat.
După ce descărcarea s-a finalizat, aplicația se va instala automat. Acest proces poate dura câteva secunde până la câteva minute, în funcție de viteza conexiunii dumneavoastră la internet și de performanța telefonului.

Pasul 4: Configurarea inițială
După instalare, apăsați pe butonul „Deschide” sau căutați pictograma ROeID pe ecranul de start al telefonului și apăsați pe ea pentru a lansa aplicația.

La prima lansare, aplicația va solicita să acceptați anumite permisiuni, precum accesul la camera foto. Aceste permisiuni sunt necesare pentru funcționalitatea optimă a aplicației.
Urmați instrucțiunile de configurare inițială. Acest lucru poate implica setarea unui cod PIN, înregistrarea unei amprente digitale (dacă dispozitivul suportă) și/sau completarea unor date personale.

How to enroll a public authority or a digital signature provider in ROeID?

A Romanian public entity wishing to register within ROeID is asked to follow the standardized procedure detailed below:

1.    Initiating a formal communication with ADR to establish the terms of a collaboration agreement.
2.    Ratification of the agreement by formal signature by both entities.
3.    Conduct a detailed technical analysis of integration specifications.
4.    Transmission of technical details related to information systems to the technical team of ADR, in order to integrate into ROeID.
5.    Implementation of the agreed technical solution.
6.    Performing tests and ensuring the functionality of the technical solution on test environment.
7.    Definitive implementation of the technical solution on the production environment.
8.    Registration in the web services catalog on the official website and in the ROeID mobile application.

What does the collaboration protocol with ADR contain?

The formal cooperation agreement with ADR stipulates the following essential components:

1.    The legal basis governing this collaborative arrangement.
2.    The specific purpose of the agreement, namely the integration of the information systems of the public entity within the ROeID system provided by ADR.
3.    The procedure for implementing collaboration, which includes: infrastructure preparation, definition of protocols and services, establishment of synchronization mechanisms for accounts, formation of joint teams, as well as protocol for information exchange.
4.    Methodological approach to collaboration.
5.    Provisions relating to the protection of personal data.
6.    Specifications related to system specificities and other relevant aspects requiring explicit mention.

What is the technical procedure for joining ROeID?

The technical procedure has the following steps:

1. Approval by the technical team of the public entity of data on the test and production environment to which ROeID will redirect traffic immediately after the citizen has been authenticated. This address is called redirect_uri and is in the form of a URL.
2. Communication to the technical team of ADR of this address as well as of the technical protocol on which integration is desired (OpenID or SAML)
3.    Receiving from the ADR team the login data for the requested protocol
4.    More details are published on GitHub at , a space we recommend technical teams follow to be informed about future developments of these integration specifications.


How to enroll a public authority or a digital signature provider in ROeID?

A Romanian public entity wishing to register within ROeID is asked to follow the standardized procedure detailed below:

1.    Initiating a formal communication with ADR to establish the terms of a collaboration agreement.
2.    Ratification of the agreement by formal signature by both entities.
3.    Conduct a detailed technical analysis of integration specifications.
4.    Transmission of technical details related to information systems to the technical team of ADR, in order to integrate into ROeID.
5.    Implementation of the agreed technical solution.
6.    Performing tests and ensuring the functionality of the technical solution on test environment.
7.    Definitive implementation of the technical solution on the production environment.
8.    Registration in the web services catalog on the official website and in the ROeID mobile application.

What does the collaboration protocol with ADR contain?

The formal cooperation agreement with ADR stipulates the following essential components:

1.    The legal basis governing this collaborative arrangement.
2.    The specific purpose of the agreement, namely the integration of the information systems of the public entity within the ROeID system provided by ADR.
3.    The procedure for implementing collaboration, which includes: infrastructure preparation, definition of protocols and services, establishment of synchronization mechanisms for accounts, formation of joint teams, as well as protocol for information exchange.
4.    Methodological approach to collaboration.
5.    Provisions relating to the protection of personal data.
6.    Specifications related to system specificities and other relevant aspects requiring explicit mention.

What is the technical procedure for joining ROeID?

The technical procedure has the following steps:

1. Approval by the technical team of the public entity of data on the test and production environment to which ROeID will redirect traffic immediately after the citizen has been authenticated. This address is called redirect_uri and is in the form of a URL.
2. Communication to the technical team of ADR of this address as well as of the technical protocol on which integration is desired (OpenID or SAML)
3.    Receiving from the ADR team the login data for the requested protocol
4.    More details are published on GitHub at , a space we recommend technical teams follow to be informed about future developments of these integration specifications.

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