General terms

General terms used in website 

a.Digital identity – set of information and characteristics that define a person or entity in the digital space; Digital identity is used to authenticate the person/entity in the digital space, in the process of interaction with digital platforms or services.
b. Single Sign-On (SSO) – authentication method that allows accessing multiple applications or services using the same credentials (username and password); SSO increases security by centralizing authentication and authorization management.
c.Video means – means of remote identification using technologies that involve either the audio-video transmission of sequences of moving images, in real time, within a videoconference with the presence of a human operator, or the transmission of sequences of moving images representing video captures with the natural person, without the presence of a human operator, with their subsequent verification by the identification service provider (with or without the involvement of a human operator);
d. Digital means – means using innovative digital technologies using, inter alia, artificial intelligence and/or machine learning, such as applications that identify a person and/or verify identity documents (through digital image capture, biometric facial measurements, image comparison), NFC (near field communication) technology embedded in electronic documents identity;
e. Remote identification of the person by video means – the process of identifying and verifying the identity of the natural person, based on the documents presented, the captured images and / or the information communicated by the individual, using video means;
f. Identification service provider – legal entity of public or private law that identifies the remote person by video means for the purposes specified in the Rules approved by the decision of the president of ADR nr. 564/2021, respectively trust service providers, payment service providers, credit institutions, non-banking financial institutions, public sector bodies, third party identity verification;
g.Application – program or set of computer programs used to support the user in performing certain work tasks.
h. Application programming interface (API) – software solutions and protocols that allow multiple computer systems to communicate and exchange data with each other.
i. User – natural person of Romanian citizenship or legal entity registered in Romania, whose identity has been verified and validated, who creates a ROeID account through the mobile application available in Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
j. Operator – Authority for the Digitization of Romania, structure with legal personality subordinated to the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, with headquarters in Bucharest, Bd. Libertatei nr. 14, sector 5 and secondary office in Str. Italiana nr. 22, sector 2, as an Identity Service Provider (IDSP) that collects, validates and verifies the information provided in the ROeID account creation process.
k.Digital identity system – digital tool used to declare, register and validate the identity of a natural person of citizenship Romanian / legal entities registered in Romania in the digital space, in relation to public institutions in Romania and private partners of ROeID.
l. Identity validation – process by which ADR, as an identification service provider (IDSP), collects, verifies and validates information about a natural person of Romanian citizenship or legal entity registered in Romania. ROeID users must provide: a photo of the identity card; a selfie with your ID card; A video clip an audio clip for validation by the operator and the creation of digital identity.
m. Registration – process by which ADR, through the ROeID mobile application, verifies whether the request for creating a digital identity has been validated and creates the applicant's digital identity account.
n. Authentication – process by which the identity of a natural person of citizenship Romanian / legal entities registered in Romania in the digital space is confirmed, based on the use of the ROeID account, in the digital platforms of government entities or private partners.
a. Personal data – any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable person is one who can be identified – directly or indirectly, by reference to an identification element: name / surname, address, personal numerical code, series and number of the identity card, date and place of birth, e-mail, telephone, biometric data, image, IP address
p. Processing of personal data – any operation or set of operations that is performed on personal data, by automatic or non-automatic means, such as collection, recording, organization, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, disclosure to third parties by transmission, dissemination or in any other way, joining or combining, blocking, deleting or destroying.
q. Data subject – any natural person whose personal data may be or are processed by the controller;
r. eIDAS Regulation – Regulation (EU) no. 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC;
s.Issuer of electronic identification means – legal person operating an electronic identification scheme, as defined according to art. 3 point 4 of the eIDAS Regulation, through which it provides electronic identification services to beneficiaries, including public sector bodies.


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